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“Great Jolly boy” S.V.Ramani interview in “Raj TV” on 15-2-2011 about Indian culture.
S.V.Ramani during his interview in “Raj TV” News channel on
15-5-2011 has explained about Indian Culture, and told during the invasion of Afghan emperors, the Hindu Temples in India were ransacked and the God ideals were buried under the steps of Masjids in Delhi.

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Paramacharya says People must chant any one of
God’s name thousand times a day.
காஞ்சி பரமாச்சார்யாளின் அமுத வாக்கு. கடவுளின்
பேராயிரம் நாமாக்களில் எதாவது ஒன்றை
ஆயிரம் தடவை தினமும் ஜெபிக்கவேண்டும்.

Friday, 30 October 2009

Sri.Thiagaraja Ramayanam [Aranyakandam] Tamil Speech by S.V.Ramani.

Sri.Thiagaraja Ramayanam [Aranyakandam] Tamil Speech by S.V.Ramani.

In Sri Thiagaraja Ramayana in Aranyakandam Thiagaraja told in his songs that Sabari waits eagerly for Rama's arrival for several years and offers him athithi satkaram. Even in our daily pooja, while weoffer naivedyam, we recite this sloka,

Sabari's atithyam is widely known and she is held in the highest regard.Is
it because Sabari is a great devotee of Rama.

Sabari was a tribal woman. Though she was illiterate, she staunchly
believed in her Acharya, Mathanga Maharshi, and served him with great
Devotion/commitment for several years. Before leaving for the Heavenly abode the Maharshi instructs Sabari to wait for Lord Rama and Lakshmana. Sabari believed in her Acharya's word and waited patiently for several years, alone in the Ashram, just to give athithyam to Rama for a day.

Aranya Kandam ends with Sabari's episode and the first sarga of next
Kandam (Kishkindha Kandam) includes the description of Pampa river and
Lord Rama's meeting with Hanumanwith Sraddha (Swamiji attaches lot of importance to Sraddha – the commitment) and automatically Perumal with the help of Acharya will rescueus -- just like He rescued Sita with the help of Hanuman.

Sri Thiagaraja describes Rama is an avatharam of Lord Srimannarayana; Rama was worshippedby his subjects not because he was the Lord, but because of his qualities.Lord Rama with his exemplary behaviour depicted to the world how one shouldbehave and react to adverse circumstances. In addition to the peripheralstoryline in Ramayanam one should understand
the underlying philosophic meaning of each episode and follow it as far
as possible to lead a "PERFECT LIFE". Let us all sing Rama’s name.

You can now hear the Tamil Speeches of S.V.Ramani thro “You Tube” about Sri.Thiagaraja Ramayana Aranyakandam.

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இராம ராஜ்யம். கலைஞர் நூறாண்டுகள் வாழ்வார்.. எஸ்.வி.ரமணியின் வாழ்த்துரை.

With the Blessings of Mootharignar Rajaji Kalaignar Karunanidhi will live 100 years. மூதறிஞர் இராஜாஜியின் ஆசியுடன் கலைஞர் நூறாண்டுகள் வாழ்வார். எஸ்.வி.ரமணியின் வாழ்த்துரை.
With the Blessings of Mootharignar Rajaji Kalaignar Karunanidhi will live 100 years. மூதறிஞர் இராஜாஜியின் ஆசியுடன் கலைஞர் நூறாண்டுகள் வாழ்வார். எஸ்.வி.ரமணியின் வாழ்த்துரை.

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Ram Rajyam has come to mean an ideal state with all good morals. Gambling, drinking and hunting were commonly condemned in Ram Rajyam.