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“Great Jolly boy” S.V.Ramani interview in “Raj TV” on 15-2-2011 about Indian culture.
S.V.Ramani during his interview in “Raj TV” News channel on
15-5-2011 has explained about Indian Culture, and told during the invasion of Afghan emperors, the Hindu Temples in India were ransacked and the God ideals were buried under the steps of Masjids in Delhi.

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Paramacharya says People must chant any one of
God’s name thousand times a day.
காஞ்சி பரமாச்சார்யாளின் அமுத வாக்கு. கடவுளின்
பேராயிரம் நாமாக்களில் எதாவது ஒன்றை
ஆயிரம் தடவை தினமும் ஜெபிக்கவேண்டும்.

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Kavignar Kannadasan says, those days’ leaders were searching for Dravida Nadu with girls.

Kavignar Kannadasan says, those days’ leaders were searching for Dravida Nadu with girls.

திராவிட வீரர்கள் திராவிட நாடு அந்தப்பெண்களிடம் இருக்கிறதா என்று தேட ஆரம்பித்தார்கள்.

Kannadasan explains in his bio-grahy book “Vanavasam” those olden days DMK leaders were not having any morality in their personal life. He explains one night, he and another big leader taking a taxi went round the area of Teynampet and picked up some girls and went to a lodge near Central Station. He says the leaders were searching for Dravida Nadu with those girls.

Those girls asked the leaders, you are talking onething in stage and doing something with us, why you are duping the people and if you are elected in the Assembly election, we think that you will make all the members as ladies only.

Kannadasan sympathized with the people, and tells if one wants to get fame in the politics, he must necessarily do immoral acts in his political life.

If there is no morality with leaders in the party, the people will be definitely cheated by them. People must be cautious in following a party and leader.

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இராம ராஜ்யம். கலைஞர் நூறாண்டுகள் வாழ்வார்.. எஸ்.வி.ரமணியின் வாழ்த்துரை.

With the Blessings of Mootharignar Rajaji Kalaignar Karunanidhi will live 100 years. மூதறிஞர் இராஜாஜியின் ஆசியுடன் கலைஞர் நூறாண்டுகள் வாழ்வார். எஸ்.வி.ரமணியின் வாழ்த்துரை.
With the Blessings of Mootharignar Rajaji Kalaignar Karunanidhi will live 100 years. மூதறிஞர் இராஜாஜியின் ஆசியுடன் கலைஞர் நூறாண்டுகள் வாழ்வார். எஸ்.வி.ரமணியின் வாழ்த்துரை.

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Ram Rajyam has come to mean an ideal state with all good morals. Gambling, drinking and hunting were commonly condemned in Ram Rajyam.