Actor Vijayakanth said his priority was to oust Karunanidhi’s “corruption regime.”
Addressing a public meeting as part of the state conference of the DMDK, Vijayakanth said on Sunday [9-1-2011] at Gajjalanaicken Patty near Salem no outfit can come to power in Tamil Nadu without aligning with his DMDK. Amid expectations that he would formally announce the DMDK-AIADMK tie-up at a public meeting in Salem, Vijayakanth merely said his priority was to oust Karunanidhi’s “corruption regime” in Tamil Nadu. As for alliances, he told party cadres “leave the decision to me. I will take a decision without hurting your self-respect and the future of your party.” He said he would neither be a slave nor allow his party men to be enslaved by anybody.
He described the Karunanidhi regime in Tamil Nadu as the “most corrupt and anti-people” in the history of the state and promised followers that the DMDK would soon be a part of a winnable alliance that can protect the state from ‘family misrule’.
“Don’t worry about the alliance. I will decide on it very soon keeping in mind the larger interests of the state. The priority is dislodging the DMK regime here,’’ he said. The entire gathering, comprising thousands of party workers, raised their hands favouring an alliance that can dethrone the DMK government. Vijayakanth devoted the more than one and half hour speech to attacking chief minister M Karunanidhi, who according to Vijayakanth was “the main enemy” of the state and its people.
Describing the ensuing assembly election as a “Dharma Yudh”, Vijayakanth declared that nobody could rule the state without his party’s support. He also made it clear that he would lead the fight against DMK “from the front”.
People’s main response is to support the parties whichever coming to fight against corruption in our country. Our friends can see some of the Video scenes thro “You Tube”. Thanks to Caption TV.
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எஸ்.வி.ரமணியின் வாழ்த்துரை.
With the Blessings of Mootharignar Rajaji
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Ram Rajyam has come to mean an ideal state with all good morals. Gambling, drinking and hunting were commonly condemned in Ram Rajyam.
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