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“Great Jolly boy” S.V.Ramani interview in “Raj TV” on 15-2-2011 about Indian culture.
S.V.Ramani during his interview in “Raj TV” News channel on
15-5-2011 has explained about Indian Culture, and told during the invasion of Afghan emperors, the Hindu Temples in India were ransacked and the God ideals were buried under the steps of Masjids in Delhi.

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Paramacharya says People must chant any one of
God’s name thousand times a day.
காஞ்சி பரமாச்சார்யாளின் அமுத வாக்கு. கடவுளின்
பேராயிரம் நாமாக்களில் எதாவது ஒன்றை
ஆயிரம் தடவை தினமும் ஜெபிக்கவேண்டும்.

Monday, 2 June 2008

Karunanidhi must stand as a symbol of well wisher to all the community.

Karunanidhi must stand as a symbol of well wisher to all the community.

Many persons are open-minded and generally well disposed to their fellow beings. They get along well with people and if they are dissatisfied with the action or behaviour of others, they express it openly. Such expressions of anger or displeasure can be soft or loud. On Sunday1-6-2008, Karunanidhi issued an appeal through a poem to agitators of Sethu samudram project, urging them to allow the scheme in the interest of Tamil Nadu.
He may worked tirelessly for the uplift of the Nation and his mother tongue, but he must respect the sentiments of Hindu community people. When he was having faith on other religions, he must also give respect to the Indian Nation and its vedic cultural sentiments.

In the interest of free flow of traffic in Marina Beach, the previous A.I.A.D.M.K. Government removed the Kannagi Statue which was erected in the mid-way of the Marina approach road. Even the then Tamil Nadu Government assured that the removed Statue will be erected in a proper place.Karunanidhi was unable to tolerate this action and created several agitations through his party. After coming to power he immediately reinstalled the Kannagi statue in the same place itself. When such was the situation, how Karunanidhi making his appeal to the several millions of Hindu community, to forget the Ram-sethu issue which is mingled in their heart.

There are several people in Tamil Nadu have already worked tirelessly for the uplift of the Indian Nation and Tamil language. Makavi Subramania Barathiar, Thiru Vi.Ka. U.Ve. saminatha Iyer, Muthuramalinga Thevar and several other eminent Tamil scholars worked tirelessly and they never interfered in the belief of any religion.

Now in the interest of several millions of Hindu community people, if Karunanidhi make arrangements to shift the dredging work without disturbing the Ram-Sethu Bridge, he will be definitely appreciated even by millions of followers of Lord Ram. No Hindu is ever standing as hindrance to the Rs. 2,427 crore projects and all of their humble appeal to Karunanidhi is that the Ram-Sethu should not be destroyed and the canal way may be shifted to some other place. Ram-Sethu is a monument and a worshipful place of Hindu Community like Muslims “Kabaa” and Christians Jerusalem.

Moreover in his application, the Janata Party leader alleged that Baalu’s family controlled firm — Meenam Fisheries Ltd — having fishing and shipping interest in the Palk Strait and Gulf of Mannar area, would “benefit tremendously from the implementation of the project.” He said this was the reason why the shipping minister was probably pushing for early commencement of the project, which had been stalled on the interim orders of the apex court.”

On sentiment reasons, Karunanidhi always wear a Yellow towel on his shoulder for a very long period. He was unable to leave the yellow towel and telling to others that Buddha was also having the yellow Towel. When such was his strong sentiment in wearing the ordinary yellow Towel, How the millions of Hindu community people will erase the faith in the Ram-Sethu Bridge?

All Hindu community people with folded hands request Karnanidhi not to destroy the ancient monument of Ram-Sethu with atheist mind or for some other reasons like families benefit.

Our ambition is in his present age of 85years; Karunanidhi must stand as a symbol of well wisher to all the community and get a memorable name.

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இராம ராஜ்யம். கலைஞர் நூறாண்டுகள் வாழ்வார்.. எஸ்.வி.ரமணியின் வாழ்த்துரை.

With the Blessings of Mootharignar Rajaji Kalaignar Karunanidhi will live 100 years. மூதறிஞர் இராஜாஜியின் ஆசியுடன் கலைஞர் நூறாண்டுகள் வாழ்வார். எஸ்.வி.ரமணியின் வாழ்த்துரை.
With the Blessings of Mootharignar Rajaji Kalaignar Karunanidhi will live 100 years. மூதறிஞர் இராஜாஜியின் ஆசியுடன் கலைஞர் நூறாண்டுகள் வாழ்வார். எஸ்.வி.ரமணியின் வாழ்த்துரை.

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Ram Rajyam has come to mean an ideal state with all good morals. Gambling, drinking and hunting were commonly condemned in Ram Rajyam.